Water Proofing LT SBR
Technical Data Sheet Download 
LARSEN POLY TECH WP 104 : 2 Component FLexible Polymer Cement Waterproofing Slurry.A cement based two component polymer rich system, which on mixing yield a brush able smooth slurry with excellent bont to most substrate.Product Strength
- It is applied to concrete & mortar sructures to prevent water infiltration & dampness.
- Easy to apply by brush, slurry consistency.
- Easy & fast mixing.
- Resonably Flexible to bridging up to 0.3 mm crack with.
- Protects against water penetration, salt & carbonation.
- Non - Toxic when cured, suitable for contact with drinking water.
- Non-Corrosive to steel & iron.
- Allows surface to breath,preventing build up vapor pressure.
- Aspect : Comp.A- White Liquid,Comp.B-Grey Powder.
- Mixed density : 2.0kg/ltr.
- Mixing Ratio : 1:3 by weight
- Pot life : 30 minutes at 30 °C